Dr. Darlene Showalter
Medical/Scientific Advisory Board Chair
Dr. Darlene Showalter became a registered nurse in 1986. Since then, she has practiced in oncology, school health, and all areas of women’s health. Her clinical positions include Staff Nurse, Charge Nurse, and Clinical Nurse Specialist in a large teaching hospital. Darlene has been in academia for 20 years and has expertise not only in didactic and clinical teaching, but in project management, curriculum design, and outcomes tracking. She was instrumental in the development and implementation of a Concept based curriculum for an undergraduate baccalaureate nursing program. She has presented at conferences ranging from state level to international level on topics such as Clinical Simulations, Care of the Client with Limited English Proficiency, and Care of the Critically Ill Client with HELLP Syndrome. She has published on clinical topics such as human lactation, telehealth, and high-fidelity clinical simulations. Dr. Showalter currently teaches at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. As a Clinical Associate Professor, she is lead faculty in the maternal-infant course where topics of inborn errors of metabolism are discussed. She also teaches undergraduate Health Assessment and Evidence-Based Practice for doctoral students. Her responsibilities include didactic teaching to large student audiences, clinical teaching and delivery of patient care, as well as on-line instruction. Dr. Showalter also serves as the Traditional BSN Curriculum and Instruction Coordinator at the UAH College of Nursing where she analyzes programmatic goals and outcomes data and works closely with faculty in devising and implanting new programs.